Darkan is changing. A lot. Remember guys our goal with Darkan is to remake 2012 Runescape better than the original. Once this massive project is done, we can do all kinds of stuff on top of it. We can get excited for custom worlds, items, quests, scenes and game modes once were done with the base game. That is our goal, make the base game first, then we can start with all our shenanigans.
But for now, who is putting in the code? Who can we blame for all this great change? Trent is leading us by keeping the source clean, consistent and up to date with programming standards. If we had to include him it would dominate every metric. So lets ignore Trent.
Okay lets start with Jesse's favorite metric, quests. Take a look...
1. Jesse [26]: Black Knights Fortress, Clocktower, Demon Slayer, Dragon Slayer, Druidic Ritual, Ernest The Chicken, Family Crest, Fight Arena, Fishing Contest, Goblin Diplomacy, Heroes Quest, Holy Grail, Knights Sword, Lost City, Merlins Crystal, Monks Friend, Pirate's Treasure, Prince Ali Rescue, Scorpian Catcher, Shield of Arrav, Temple of Ikov, Tree Gnome Village, Tribal Totem, Witch's House, Rune Mysteries, Vampire Slayer
2. MrAshieB [8]: Biohazard, Death Plateau, The Dig Site, Eadgars Ruse, Gunnars Ground, Plague City, Sheep Herder, Troll Stronghold
3. Trent [7]: Gertrudes Cat, Cook's Assistant, Nature Spirit, Restless Ghost, Waterfall Quest, What Lies Below, Imp Catcher
4. Liam Dolman [2]: Buyers & Cellars, Priest In Peril
5. Cody [2]: Jungle Potion, Wolf's Whistle
6. Devin [2]: Dwarf Cannon, Dorics Quest
Despite the way it looks, Jesse's (mine) has been refactored many times. And, most of those updates were made before 2023. In 2024 quests and code changes has been taken over by MrAshieB. He is our most recent GOAT. High quality updates, huge quest updates and organized pull requests. Love it. Very high order.
Next up is Liam. Essential quests. Recent new quests and many other updates. We need to give him more credit in general. He has done a lot. Thank you Liam.
Cody, MKP, wrote two exemplary quests. I remember he quit Wolf's Whistle in the middle and made the cutscenes 1 for 1 equal to 2012, very impressive. It was with an old cutscene framework that was hard to use. He was the first to make great cutscenes after me and Trent. Thank you MKP.
Devin get on the ball... You wrote one quest you are slacking (jk)
1. Jesus Guerrero: 260,916
2. MrAshieB (High Quality): 42,446
3. Liam Dolman: 29,998
4. Brandon Fischer (Crusader): 16,752
5. Cody Tilkins (MKP): 14,877
6. Devin: 7,436
7. Dark Sage (Rami): 6,507
8. Stimulant: 1,740
9. Cody Thompson: 952
10. Kiyoshika: 117
11. MatthewGould123: 73
12. Danewolf: 53
13. Francis (Jiren): 42
14. Bryan Gillespie: 10
15. Jakob: 5
16. Seenetix: 2
17. Sean McElhare: 2
Trenton Kress: 2,844,503
All the line changes above are all merge requests that Trent has approved. This means they passed the smell taste and were added to World 1. Perhaps in the next post we will discuss quality of code and refactor changes. Line change highscores for 2024 would work too.
Thank you guys for all your contributions to Darkan!
Source code: https://gist.github.com/JesseGuerrero/740667982c93f113eaf8eba0620d9eb6